In quilting, a sampler is a project that does not repeat the same block within its layout. It is a representative collection used as an example of one's technical skillset. In this case, this flag is not only a sampler of quilt blocks, but a sampler of the local ecology.
The flag is located in Highland Park near the Northeast corner of the tennis courts. Additional information can be found here.
Open to the public March 20, 2019 - March 20, 2020
Ecology Sampler
Site: Highland Park, Brooklyn, NY 11207
Material: Flagcloth, aluminum flagpole pole, flag hardware
Size: large flag: 6 x 10 feet, 8 smaller flags: 2 x 2 feet, pole: 30 feet-tall
Sponsored by The Forest Park Trust
Ecology Sampler Proposal Sketch, 2018. Gouache, collage, and ink on paper.
Ecology Sampler Proposal Sketch (detail), 2018. Gouache and collage on paper.